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When I feel like 1 day is 3 ... its hard to name my blog lol

Seriously though.. wtf. I need to go shower and go to 😴 sleep.

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Name your blog as you build it or create it because when you are finished that is where is where the name of your blog comes out 📓🌟📔


I love how you care so much about a positive change for our country and people. I love the satisfaction you displayed from watching the interview, I didn't watch it, I don't really keep up with politics, I'm trying to get my own life together and I don't seem to have the interest, that I should, in US or world affairs like I used to. I'm glad you are able to see through all the BS because a lot of people are misled and misinformed. (You look BEAUTIFUL 😊.) I hope everything goes well with the house and the selling of the land. ("Baby'sit some bitch" lol)

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It was so good! I really wish people could see they are being gaslit and our country is about to be worse than ever. It's already terrible. Living in an abusive middle class family, child bride, homeless most of my "16,17,18" years coming up from that will give a person a whole new perspective on what these laws or lack thereof does. Having kids exposed to the "government help" for extreme mental health issues and learning disabilities causes a huge impact on knowing laws and voting. What blows is that voting is rigged. I believe they mostly use it to know how much resistance they will have to their pre-made decisions and what shiny things to throw at the monkeys!…

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