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Writer's pictureHeather Clark

Wait... today's not Friday HA!

Updated: Feb 9

This blog is already giving me hell! I need time to make a list of all issues and call wix with them! My contract renewal is in June I think... I need to figure out if they can fix my issues or if I need to move

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I agree with you. I watched the interview, I haven't watched anything that good for awhile. Why the fuck is Zelenski getting so support in the West. Putin asked that question? Doesn't make sense... Putin was asked, about his meeting with Biden? He told Carlson that he couldn't remember when he met Biden. That tells you all you need to know 😂


I just want to say, I have the highest respect for all soldiers who've served, who serve, and those who gave they're life for this country

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🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Omg, I'm ctfu from you shittin on Biden. You are right though, absolutely correct, im happy you are not like so many blind poor souls.

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Lol I cannot stand that treasonous old fuck


"He needs to just, go be an old dude somewhere" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Oh man, thank you for that good laugh Heather, he definitely is a special kind of stupid lol. He's got highlights reels of huh, wtf did this stupid old man just say, hilarious comments.

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Lol I can't say what I really want to outloud... just go where the oldest of old people go when they are done being old 🤣🤣🤣👻


Sleepy Joe 🤣🤣🤣🤣, him being president tells us how ignorant and brainwashed Americans really are.

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The fact that there are still motherfuckers defending him and the dems after that press conference is absolutely embarrassing. And the fact that we have more footage of him falling down, mumbling lies, chewing on children, groping kids, saying the most asinine shit and I could go on and on and on.. says we are a weak ass joke of a country. It pisses me off that only Texas has stood up to his ass in a major way at the moment. Oh.. and the Supreme Court not taking our right to vote Trump off the ballot.. its bullshit that we are like - it's so nice they allowed us our constitutional rights on this one... fucking dick bags

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