Yesterday I swear I started a post lol!! Because I took photos and I remember posting about needing to wake up. I felt like crap still.. yet I was going to get those boxes I have been thinking about every day..
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Lol my mom has joked about me being a gypsy type. Because I’m always moving. Right now I’m looking at an empty closet and it’s crazy. I have to be up so early and ready to pack storage tomorrow!
VERY CUTE in that 2nd photo smh.
Smh you look BEAUTIFUL in that 3rd photo. Clutter?, im sorry, I only see you in photos 😍💘
That's how moving is you get to see what was once covered up with all the art pieces and things
I like the way you illustrate your transformation from sexy at the top of the blog, to ready to go and in the vehicle at the bottom. 😂😍
Those walls do look pretty bare 🖤🖤
Your really good at this shit! 😂