Exactly! He's a really nice person from what we can all tell. I am happy to have a new friend in person that I can do stuff with. It will help me not keep pulling back from others, too. After this best friend fiasco, I don't know.. I have been duped, and it makes me mad.
Flamingos lol,,, I know a guy we call flamingo,,,lol because when he takes a layup when playing basketball it's awkward and he keeps one leg up like a 🦩,so one of my buddies named him, flamingo 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
Don't worry about reactions to a new friend,, if the guy is a good guy, respectful, ,,it shouldn't matter.
Flamingos lol,,, I know a guy we call flamingo,,,lol because when he takes a layup when playing basketball it's awkward and he keeps one leg up like a 🦩,so one of my buddies named him, flamingo 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
Nice😊,,, 3 Great days in a row 😊. I'm happy for you my BEAUTIFUL friend.